
Resonator Podcast

Cognition Catalog: Mood Congruent Memory Bias

We tend to recall memories that align with our current mood. It’s easier to remember positive experiences, and when we’re in a bad mood, we’re more likely to recall negative ones. This bias affects how we interpret our past, perceive our present, and make decisions about our future.

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Clustering Illusion

We tend to perceive patterns in random sequences of data or events, even when there’s no actual correlation or causal relationship present. This bias reflects our brain’s tendency to seek order in randomness.

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Social Comparison Bias

We tend to determine our own social and personal worth based on how we stack up against others. This bias shapes our self-perception and the perception of others. It can lead to feelings of false inadequacy or, the opposite, false superiority.

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Cognition Catalog: Focusing Effect

We tend to overestimate the importance or impact of information that readily comes to mind when making decisions. As a result, our choices and judgments may be skewed, and we may overlook other important factors.

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