54. How UX Designers Can Adapt and Thrive with Tom Greever

54. How UX Designers Can Adapt and Thrive with Tom Greever

Episode 54

Explore the delicate dance between rigidity and flexibility as Tom Greever shares his expertise on fostering team collaboration and stakeholder engagement for UX professionals.

Are you unwittingly sabotaging team dynamics with an inflexible mindset?

Today’s conversation with the one and only Tom Greever peels back the layers of what it means to be a great designer beyond the pixels and wireframes. Tom sheds light on why being flexible isn’t about compromising your vision, but rather, enhancing collaboration and outcomes.

We get into the nitty-gritty of “design diplomacy,” a term we might use to describe the crucial skill of balancing design integrity with the diverse needs of stakeholders and team members.

Tom articulates why a rigid approach to design can not only hinder the creative process but also the crucial relationships that make great software possible.

So in this week’s episode, you’ll discover how to apply Tom’s principles to your own design practice, enhancing not only your work but also your working relationships.

• 05:00 – Many people become difficult to work with
• 09:19 – How do we balance this paradox?
• 12:14 – How do we determine what to fight for if we don’t know why we’re doing it in the first place
• 12:59 – Stop using the “fight” analogy
• 14:49 – No one is suggesting we roll over and do what is asked.
• 17:04 – when it comes to moving forward, context matters
• 18:50 – What can I actually control?
• 22:01 – Courageous followers disagree but commit for the good of the team
• 27:15 – Our job isn’t all about us.
• 28:25 – Advice for ICs to think about the bigger picture
• 37:23 – Practicing emotional intelligence will pay off
• 38:32 – It’s not a binary option It’s both
• 40:13 – At some point, you may decide to quit and
• 41:37 – Stakeholder mapping will help understand the best ways to effect change
• 43:21 – Treat problems with stakeholder relationships like a UX problem to solve

Helpful Links:
Connect with Tom on LinkedIn
Articulating Design Decisions

Tom Greever
Author of Articulating Design Decisions

About Tom

Tom has been in the design industry for 20 years, he’s worked at some really cool big-name companies, along with some others you’ve likely never heard of. But you probably know Tom from his incredibly popular book, Articulating Design Decisions

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Jeff White’s Storytelling Toolkit can help!

Jeff’s toolkit offers actionable insights on storytelling for UX designers. Jeff walks you through how to present work to clients and stakeholders, how to craft compelling case studies, and how to improve portfolio presentations for job interviews. Jeff’s approach goes beyond your basic once upon a time kind of stuff. 

And because I know this course will help you out so much, I’ve partnered with Jeff to get everyone listening to a 10% discount if you use the codBEYONDUX when you check out.  So head on over to beyonduxdesign.com/storytelling to get 10% off today!

This Week’s Audio Book

Check out Articulating Design Decisions by Tom Greever.

Tom’s book is aimed at helping designers communicate more effectively with stakeholders and their teams during the design process. It offers strategies and tactics for presenting your work and explaining your decisions in a way that builds consensus and allows the team to move forward. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the concerns and objectives of stakeholders and offers practical techniques to present designs in a compelling and persuasive manner. The book underscores the idea that good communication is as crucial as the design itself. This is really one of my favorite UX books.

Thanks for listening! We hope you dug today’s episode. If you liked what you heard, be sure to like and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! And if you really enjoyed today’s episode, why don’t you leave a five-star review? Or tell some friends! It will help us out a ton.

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Jeremy Miller

Designer // Host // Mentor

I’m Jeremy. I’m a product designer from New Orleans. Here are some things I want you to know about me:

But most importantly, I know you can’t build great software without great relationships.

So join me here and learn about how to build truly great software.

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