THROWBACK: Surviving and Thriving In a VUCA World

I’m still hanging out with my family this week, so enjoy a throwback episode from last year on something I think more people need to be aware of: learning to survive and thrive in a VUCA world.

The chances are good you’re not alone. This is all pretty common.

It’s actually common enough that there’s an acronym to describe it all. 

If you’ve experienced any or all of these problems, you’re living in a VUCA world. 

In last week’s episode, 20. Your UX Boot Camp Might Not Prepare You for Real Life, we briefly touched on this idea of VUCA.

UX in the real world is not like what you learned in school because in reality things rarely go according to plan.

And that’s because the real world is full of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.

We often have to plan for contingencies, take calculated risks, work in buffers, or be ready to pivot.

There’s a reason why “pivot” is a businessy buzzword. It’s because businesses need to pivot.

A lot.

So this week we dive a little bit more into this idea of VUCA and provide some strategies on how you can survive, and maybe even thrive, in a VUCA world.

• 01:54 – You’ve probably never heard of VUCA before
• 02:18 – What the hell is VUCA?
• 04:09 – Leadership is important here. Check out 05leadership
• 08:39 – Volatile
• 10:14 – Uncertain
• 11:41 – Complex
• 12:57 – Ambiguous
• 15:30 – A framework for beating VUCA
• 19:45 – This is not something only for CEOs and corporate leadership training
• 20:43 – These can be overwhelming, but keep the key concepts in mind

Helpful Links:
What VUCA Really Means for You | HBR
What VUCA really means for you (PDF) | Research Study
Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity | Wikipedia
What Does VUCA Really Mean? | Forbes
8 steps to face a VUCA environment with Design Thinking | The Future Shapers
Connecting the Dots: VUCA World, Strategic Design, and Organizational Paradigms | | Medium
Workshop Tips: It’s a VUCA world, plan accordingly | by Roman Grant | UX Collective
Navigating VUCA times with human-centered innovation | Stratx

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Jeremy Miller

Designer // Host // Mentor

I’m Jeremy. I’m a product designer from New Orleans. Here are some things I want you to know about me:

But most importantly, I know you can’t build great software without great relationships.

So join me here and learn about how to build truly great software.

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